Internet interruption at musescore start

• Jul 23, 2017 - 10:13


On my computer, Windows 10, I notice that at the start of MuseScore, there is a short interruption of internet. Any video on YouTube that I watch, any podcast that I listen to, is interrupted. So I have to click to resume reading.

Is it related to my computer, or is it a problem noted by other people?

Thank you for all the help you can bring me,



In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you for this quick response.

It is not a Mac problem but Windows 10.

I should have specified that this short interruption does not affect the operation of MuseScore.
It loads into memory and works properly, there is just an interruption of the Internet connections.

What bothers me the most is that it is better that I do not start MuseScore when I download a file since the interruption of the connection may cause the download to fail.



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