xml import

• Mar 13, 2013 - 12:16

...hi, i made a .xml from a .sib file.
But if i import it, it looks like nothing...
Is there a way to fix that or should i just lick my wounds and start all over?

-a print from the sibelius file
-a print from the xml file imported in MS
-the xml file

Thanks in advance!


It's not that bad. There is a misunderstanding between Sib and MuseScore on the "beam over a rest" export/import in MusicXML. If you go quickly to the score and fix the beams with the beam palette (especially the first note after a 8th rest) the result is not that bad. See file attached.

Attachment Size
fantasie-sylvius_leopold_weis.mscz 16.38 KB

The MusicXML file generated by Sibelius contains a number of problems:
- the G clef 8vb is exported as a normal G clef, which explains the one octave pitch offset
- all beams are incorrect
(instead of begin-continue-end, the beams are exported as continue-continue-continue or begin-continue-continue)
- all fingering information is exported, but as direction / directiontype / words instead of fingering and pluck elements

As far as I can tell, all fingering information is imported by MuseScore. Some fingering elements contain an incorrect offset element, which is ignored by MuseScore, leading to incorrect horizontal positioning.

You can fix all errors in MuseScore:
- drag and drop the correct clef
- set the correct beam properties for each beamed not (which I admit is quite tedious)
- drag the incorrectly positions fingering to the correct location

No big MuseScore issues here, although perhaps the beam importer could be improved to also handle these incorrect beams.

Regards, Leon.

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