How to identify & input tremolo markings into MuseScore

• Aug 19, 2017 - 20:28

I'm transcribing sheet music and I ran across this symbol in the final measure of the piece. (In the attached picture, I'm referring to the first two notes in the measure.) The notes appear to be dotted half notes, but the beams are sort of these weird extra-thick triple lines, of which only one of the three lines connects the two notes—as though they were eighth notes, but the note heads don't match. It doesn't look like there's more than one voice in the measure, but the timing wouldn't work out for the second dotted half note to follow the first. (The time signature is 9/8).

So who can tell me what this music notation is? And how would I input this into MuseScore? Thanks!

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2017-08-19 at 12.22.55.png 58.39 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Well that must be it! How is the second note put in there? I'm trying to recreate your attached .mscz file, but can't get a dotted half note to follow the dotted half note with the same timing as your example. And I can't get the "32nd between notes" option to do anything. I can get the "32nd through stem" to work, but not the other one.

Now what are my options for tweaking the visual appearance of the tremolo markings? Is there a way to make them look more similar to the sheet music I'm transcribing, by having the two notes be connected by the bar? (Although if you ask me, that's kind of confusing because it makes it look like eighth or thirty-second notes—I'm just not sure which format is considered preferable by sight readers.)

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