
• Sep 24, 2013 - 13:17

is it possible to get fingering to use the staff as a positioning reference rather than the note head? i've been able to change the default spacing of the numbers around the note, but i'd like to be able to put the fingering numbers a uniform distance from the top of the staff instead.

thanks in advance.




...using staff text?
You can set the distance to the staff under Style / Edit Text Style / Staff; and change the Offset Y to something like -5.00sp (for single numbers).

Another (shady) way is to use chord names (Ctrl + K). Simply enter numbers, not chord names.
This way you can advance from note to note simply by pressing the space bar. To add multiple fingers, enter the first number, then 'Enter' to drop down to add additional fingers, then use the spacebar to advance to the next position. (This presumes chord names are not required.)


actually, i was using the fingering symbols in the symbols palette. why the palette puts the numbers to the immediate left of each note is beyond me to begin with, but still, it would be nice to have the option to use fingering AND have the numerals positioned relative to the staff rather than the note head.

In reply to by iowaplayer

I just noticed that there are two different outcomes depending on how the finger numbers are entered.
For example: Say you have a chord.
1. Clicking on a note to highlight it, then double clicking on the finger number in the pallette places the number near the notehead.
2. Dragging the number from the pallette onto the notehead and releasing (when the notehead turns red) places the number above the staff.

I don't know if you can use that behavior for your purpose.

I imagine the reason for pinning numbers to the notes rather than the staff may have to do with operations like deleting notes, copy/paste, stretching measures...


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