second voice struggle

• Dec 22, 2024 - 18:37

I have being trying to input an old scroll I have into MS. Yet, am failing on this part (attached).

Does anyone have an idea how this can be added? When entering the second voice (1/4), under the first three 16-ths, it sticks directly under the second 1/16. Why?

A similar problem occurs, on the 5/32s. Here I unless I select 1/32 for the second voice, it doesn't overlap w the above 1/32 note. Why?

Or can those be a triplet and a quintet? Even so I tired, but here I can't enter a second voice at all, when pressing alt+2 after having selected for example the second 1/26 (in the first three 1/16s)

Attachment Size
how do I fir it here.mscz 20.86 KB
how in MS?.jpg 425.04 KB


In reply to by DanielR

Thanks that looks better, but the first three are 1/16s and not 1/32s. as result I have a 1/8 rest which doesn't belong to the melody and time signature.

Another question I have, when looking at the paper scroll the second voice under high A and Bb (second and third of those three 1/16th ) is between them. Is this some sort of style or does this affect the playing?

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