How do I insert a triplet grace note?

• Dec 15, 2018 - 07:24

Triplet grace notes? I can insert a quarter grace note, but it doesn't divide into three parts using the tuplet menu. Or I can insert three grace 16ths and use the text to write the triplet. Is there a way to insert a grace triplet?

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In reply to by Shoichi

The rhythm is very exact. I'm producing audio as well as visual. Marching giants coming in. Das Rheingold by Wagner. There's not room for two more beats in the audio. Plus the grace triplet plays too slow. I tried changing the tempo for just the triplet, but playback uses the rhythm of the anchor note.

Thanks, Shoichi. This may be one of those time where programing rules. I'll add the 3 for triplet with text and move on to the next piece. I appreciate your input. Very creative!

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