Gregorian Chant - Notation and noteheads

• Feb 8, 2019 - 19:27


I am new on this forum.

I have a bit of a problem, and it seems that also the support desk can not help me out.

I need to transcribe hand-written Gregorian Chant (preferably square note notation, non metrical!) for a monastery. I have been using MS for a while, mostly for piano scores and the like.

Question is this:
How do I change the notehead to square notation, through out the score, (not meaning diamond head notation!), and how do I get the metrical to reflect the approximate duration of the chanted note per syllable?

I can read & write the music fine - even in the Gregorian notation, in all the scales and modes - but it seems impossible to get the software to make the notation I need.

I do not want to use modern notation - seeing that it is a monastery, and all the monks can read the music fine.
However, I am busy re-writing the chant books, as the ones in use at present are hand-written notation, and really does not look too good at present. I would like to have it professionally printed, but staying with the same notation and style.


In reply to by Shoichi

I had a quick look. (I will read about more in depth later!)
I'm not familiar with the program, and would actually prefer something more WYSIWIG - hence I use MS. It would be great if I could use MS - although the above project does have its merits.

I would prefer MS rather...

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