Impossible to enter special characters from the F2 palette into chords

• Aug 4, 2019 - 10:25

Similar question/request as
Nearly same "bug report" as but for chords.

I would like to enter a repeat measure sign in the chords part. The easiest way to do this would be to enter % as a chord and to have a nice repeat symbol typed in the chords part.
After searching the forum I found a suggested solution that makes use of the F2 Special Characters palette, but unfortunately, I cannot add the repeat symbol by clicking/double-clicking...

Any clue?



In reply to by Shoichi

What I want to do is exactly what is described in thread
Although this is already an old thread, the issue (and request) is still exactly the same and everything that's written there still applies. Best option would be to use the % symbol in order to write a nice repeat sign (as is the case in other famous music editing software).
This is nice to have feature...

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