Here are the pieces that I have composed. Any feedback would be appreciated!!!!

• Apr 3, 2011 - 17:18

The Voyage: Symphony of the Seas is the first piece, it's the story of Tripp and his adventures on the sea.
The first section is called , "The Voyage" It starts with the Captain choosing people to be on his ship. The second section (timing felt in 3/4) is Tripp bidding adieu to his family and friends and him saying taht, "I will be back... someday." The third part, the upbeat fast part, is the turmoil and danger on the ocean waves, the arpeggiated sounds kind of made me think of waves upon the ocean. At the end of this piece, the crew, with their ship all battered up, make it onto land.... but they are not alone.

March to the Scaffold is the second part of Symhpony of the Seas. In this piece, Tripp and his crew find themselves trapped by primitive islanders, who want their blood. Soon they find themselves at the mercy of the islanders, being enslaved. They then find themselves among other people, who became lost on the seas, and who so happened to stumble upon the island. Now, caught amidst the thralldom of canniballistic peoples, they must rise up and fight the people who are holding them against their will.

I am still working on the third piece... it's supposed to be somewhat slow but I'm kind of on a music block right now!!!

Feel free to give me any suggestions or anything, cuz' I'm open to anything!!!!


Once it got going (when the flutes joined in), the first piece had quites the melody. You certainly should be proud of yourself for coming up with this one.

In the second piece, the crash symbol added it's own small yet noticeable part that made the whole work better than the sum of its parts.
Very well done, very complicated

Appropriate harmony of sounds, but

I think that doing unnecessary interruption of the instrument. It spoils the character of the piece.

Apr 25, 2011 - 20:49

I really can't think of ANYTHING to say. After I heard these, I was so fascinated I started speaking in German, plus most of the words were unknown to me before. All I can say in English is wow.

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