Installing version 1.0

• Apr 4, 2011 - 20:02

When installing the new version 1.0, do I first have to uninstall the previous
version or can I simply install it over the existing one?


In reply to by rj45

O.K. I have to uninstall first. But how about the ‘Preferences’ and all the other settings like
the ‘page settings’ in Layout or the settings in Style. Do I have to save those before
uninstalling or does the new version in some way ‘know’ those particular settings?

In reply to by rj45

when i install with the ubuntu software manager i get version0.9.6
when i install by the link on the website i get the same
when i download version 1.0 on the website i donnot know how to install a tar.bz2

I tried sudo apt-get install /home/guy/Downloads/MuseScore-1.0.tar.bz2

result in :
guy@guy-Aspire-7730ZG:~$ sudo apt-get install /home/guy/Downloads/MuseScore-1.0.tar.bz2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package /home/guy/Downloads
guy@guy-Aspire-7730ZG:~$ ^C

and now what to do.
I am new with ubuntu and certainly with terminal work, so who can help me.
guy van der velden

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