Will I loose Musescore if I upgrade to Windows 10?

• Mar 29, 2016 - 01:24

So, my Dad has intentions of upgrading every computer in the house to windows 10. I am worried about my musescore files. Will they delete? Do I need to save them to a flash drive?


It can't hurt to have an extra copy on a flash drive, but it shouldn't be required.

If you didn't change the default saving location, it is contained within your personal documents folder. The Windows upgrade is supposed to not touch your personal files in that folder, so you should be fine.

I personally would copy them to a flash drive as well; it's a very small effort and it gives you the certainty of not losing your work.

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks. I backed up my files on a flash drive, apparently, the files are only kept if the account is admin. The guest account (where I used Musescore from) was completely wiped out. I'm glad I backed up everything. I have my own user account now at the windows 10.

Treat a computer like a blackboard and expect data to get wiped when you least want it to - i.e. back up all your important stuff regularly.

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