Saving and repeats

• May 1, 2011 - 17:08

So far as I can tell, if you save a Musescore file with repeats on or off, the next time you load it, it will have repeats off. Is this true? Is it a deliberate feature? Is there a way to ensure that the repeats will stay on every time the file is loaded? I did a search but there is so much about Repeats that if this has been discussed before, I may have missed it.


If you mean the repeat switch in the toolbar, it's not dependent on the score loaded. It's only linked to MuseScore itself. If you stop MuseScore with the switch on, it will be on when you start MuseScore again.

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The point of the question is that I would like to make "repeats on by default" dependent on the score loaded. When I ask someone for an opinion of a score I've composed, I think it's important that they listen to it with repeats. It seems like as it is, I have to make a point of telling them, "Please toggle repeats on before you listen to this." Apparently there's no way to save the score so that when it's opened again, repeats will start off being on. Is this correct, or is there some way to do this? And what's the rationale for having repeats always off by default? Repeats are part of the composition, so shouldn't they always be on for playback unless a user specifically doesn't want them?

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