scroll-overlap option for playback mode to enable lookahead reading (especially on smartphone)

• Apr 15, 2016 - 20:52

I would like to use the musescore app on my smartphone to playback a score and play along myself.
On this small screen the score is then displayed in let's say 4-measure chunks per display.
The problem then is that when you get to the bottom of the display you cannot lookahead to the next measure (on the next display).

A 'scroll-overlap' option would be great. If set, the effect could be that, when the playback-bar gets to the beginning of the last measure, the view is switched to the next measures, but starting with that last measure from the previous display. So the two displays overlap by that one measure.



We are experimenting with look ahead solutions. We are getting close but not there yet. We have to ask some patience. Thanks!

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