Look page ahead, look back to repeat

• Apr 30, 2016 - 03:54

Musescore is primarily a music notation program, to read and perform the music yourself. But reading music is changing from reading from paper to reading from displays... we might need some changes in notation as well...

In life performances I often use 2 pages next to each other to be able to look ahead.

Suppose at the last, or 2nd staff from below (or anywhere) I add a symbol for a Pedalpageturn, to press at that very moment.

Then all staves above disappear, and some staves from the next page are already shown on top (leaving a blank staff as divider). The staff at the current reading position and next staves do not change!

When I start playing on top of the page, a Pedalpageturn symbol helps me to remember to press the pedal, and the complete page is now shown.

So we just created an inbetween virtual page, not changing the page layout.

A more complicated scenario is a repeat or da capo (or dal segno):

A symbol can be added to the score to what point the page should be shown in the first place (for example prima, but also secunda volta for some measures (or to end of staff), then showing a blank staff, and then the staves at the point back in the score.. If there is not enough room on the page any more, a Pedalpageturn can be marked somewhere before the return sign, to display staffs at the top of the page as described before.

But the staff layout of the original page can not be maintained any more then... Is this really a problem?

Conclusion : a new "page representation" approach has to be developed with pageturnpedalmarkers to let the representation now where you are reading (in a life performance, not play along. .)

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