2.0.3 AppImage--yes!

• May 1, 2016 - 20:34

I just want to say thank you to whoever thought of distributing MuseScore 2.0.3 in an AppImage. I've been using MuseScore 1.3 on Linux Mint (17.3) because it was the most "recent" version available through the software manager, and I've never had a lot of luck compiling programs. I've now got 2.0.3, and it works! My only complaint is that the message I got about the release of 2.0.3 on April 26 didn't prominently shout, "HEY! LOOK! MuseScore 2.0.3 for Linux is now available in a single file that runs on almost any distribution!" Five days later I've found out, and I'm ready to shout it myself. Thanks!

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