Synchronize position between master score and parts

• May 10, 2016 - 11:28

While thinking up #110471: Add 'Jump to linked segment' from part to master I started wondering if the reverse feature would also make sense. Jump from a given element in master to the matching position in any part; but I couldn't come up with a good/clean way to present this functionality.

Therefor the following idea popped up:
Have the ability to synch the viewing position of all parts with the current position in the master score.

The use case is the following:
After you've composed your score and extracted parts, you often still happen to have to make some small adjustments. Doing so might/can/will affect the layout of some parts and this function would help in going over the parts and review/adjust layout in the affected area.

Before I throw this into the issue tracker, I was wondering if anyone else had some ideas/remarks about this topic.

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