My new songs

• Jul 8, 2011 - 23:19

I have made some songs and i hope u will like them. some of them i couldn't come up with a name so i just called it random things. and some of the files names are different then what the song is is called. i hope you like them because i did them all in my free time. and i have a lot of free time since it's summer break and there is no school. by the way i'm only 13 years old and i'm in orchestra at school so most of my songs are for string orchestra. i tried doing a woodwind song and a band song but they are very difficult.

Attachment Size
Blue Violin.mscz 9.45 KB
Scales and Tails Revised.mscx 291.88 KB
Clock Wise.mscz 6.8 KB
Confusion.mscz 10.87 KB
Going Down.mscz 10.83 KB
NEw song.mscz 8.69 KB
Brother John.mscz 7 KB


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