Jesu bleibet meine freude for brass band

• Jul 13, 2011 - 00:41

I play the soprano cornet in the local brass band, and if you've ever played that part, you know it's a lot of waiting until you get to play your three or four bars before it's back to waiting again for another 20 bars or so. This however, is just the opposite: much waiting for the solo cornets (the smug bastards on the front row) and the other cornets (poor second and third cornets). Please enjoy:)

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Jesu bleibet meine Freude brass.mscz 19.28 KB


i liked this. you certainly didn't skimp by using repeats instead of writing out some variants. i really don't have anything critical to say. not too long ago i was hanging on to this piece, you may have read my comment about that elsewhere, and my suggestion that you look this up on wikipedia - they have a couple more literal translations of the lyrics there and they are much stronger than the text we usually have in english.

thanks for it!

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