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• Jun 15, 2016 - 06:29

I would love to see a feature added that would allow users in to your account without giving access to administrative features. I use my account to allow my students to log in and practice their parts. Most of my music is hidden as there are copy right issues with some pieces I have purchased, so I don't want to publish for everyone to see. Would like to allow the students in, but not allow them to delete scores or mess with subscriptions, etc. The ability to have a password that would only allow certain features would be great.


You can create a group https://musescore.com/node/add/group and make it private. Choose the right "Membership requests" option, probably "Invite Only" or "Moderated".

Once done, add the scores you want to share with your student to the group (Use "Add/Remove from group in the right panel on your score page).

Then, ask your students to create an account on MuseScore.com and to join the group.

In the end, each student will have his own account and you will control the privacy of your scores via the group.

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