Can i help Design some stuff.

• Jul 25, 2011 - 03:45

Hey there, i recently got hold of muse-score and found it quite the program. it's a bit tricky at the start as far as drum notation goes i found it actually better than Sibelius and finale. the one thing i have noticed while going through the program and i might add others, is that it's not very clean the UI isn't polished, now this isn't a problem and I'm not asking you to fix that i was just wondering if i could help re design some of the ugly bits. I've got experience in Photoshop and illustrator(the one's i would use.) If someone could get back to me here or email me at i would very much so like to help. cheers. Benjamin.
PS for the mac version did you use Xcode?


MuseScore indeed needs a major design overhaul. This is on the road map for the MuseScore 2.0 release. That being said, designing software such as MuseScore has proven not to be trivial. Not so long ago, there was an effort to redesign the icon set of MuseScore, but this has stranded.

I received your email btw, to create some 3d animation or stuff with illustrator. With the upcoming MuseScore 1.1 release, it could be nice to have some artwork or video animation (10sec) which we can use to promote MuseScore 1.1. Actually, we need some better screenshots and also the image on the front page can be updated. So many possibilities.

Regarding your Xcode question: we use CMake to build MuseScore on Mac OS.

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