Task about linked staves

• Jul 12, 2016 - 21:27

I open this thread, related to this one: https://musescore.org/en/node/118026. Especialy from these comments: https://musescore.org/en/node/118026#comment-533566

Load this file (simple guitar score, with an added staff): test file.mscz

Now, add a linked staff (and then change its staff type, ie Tab instead of standard) to the Staff 1. Ditto with the "original" staff 2 -> Ok

You receive this result (ie, the second Tab staff displays the same result as the first Tab staff): test file 1.mscz

premier exemple.jpg

Now, with the same first file, add a simple staff (not linked), and making a copy-paste.

Result: as expected: test file 2.mscz
result 2.jpg

I do not remember similar cases before. And I have a doubt whether the result of the first file (test file 1) is considered as a bug.

Seeing the display, it can be considered as well. But perhaps there are other things I've forgotten, today, related to linked staves in this particular case. Thanks for opinions.

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