Opening Midi dose not reveal all instruments on virtual page?

• Aug 18, 2011 - 11:45


I am unable to fully import my midi from pro tools. I am missing 5 instruments from the the bottom of the "virtual sheet". The 5 remaining instruments can be heard and Muse Score does recognize them in the "create instruments" window. Also at times if you move along the score by dragging the cursor you can see missing score in patches (see attached file.) You can select these "ghost notes" and they will sound with the appropriate pitch.

I've uploaded the midi and musescore file if anyone thinks they know what to do. thanks

lastly ...

Is it possible to import single mid instrumet parts and add to your score?

thank you

Attachment Size
creation midi test.mscz 30.16 KB
Picture 3.png 227.06 KB
creation midi.mid 19.04 KB


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