MIDI input.........problem with Alesis Q25

• Aug 24, 2011 - 22:58

Previously I have connected my Yamana CP33 for successful midi input to MuseScore. To be more efficient, less room taken up, I ordered the Alesis Q25, connected midi to MuseScore and when playing multiple notes (2 notes at a time), both notes appear on the music staff, HOWEVER only one note sounds through my computer speakers. Yet with the Yamaha, all notes played sounded through the speakers. The support desk at Alesis was no help, and thought I would ask for help on this forum before I returned the unit. Thanks in advance for any/all help.


My guess is that with your Yamaha the sound was played was the keyboard itself. The Alesis being only a controller, it relies on MuseScore to play the sound and currently MuseScore only play one note per chord. This will be solved in the next major release.

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