MScore font missing after install of version 1.1

• Aug 29, 2011 - 03:57

I just install version 1.1 on my old XP SP3. The coda symbol looks like a simple O on the palette and on the sheet as well. I read a bit on the forum and my first guess it that the Mscore font was not installed. I can't find Mscore within the list of installed fonts.

I installed version 1.1 on my recent Windows 7. The behaviour is exactly the same. I am running both XP and Windows 7 under a french canadian version of the OS.

Can I install the fonts (MScore or Mscore1) manualy? Where do I find them?




MuseScore font is never installed on your system. The font is embedded in MuseScore executable. If your problem is only the Coda sign, then it's probably a side effect of zoom. If you print your sheet or if you zoom in you will see the two crossing lines of the coda sign.

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