Can use VST Instruments

• Sep 11, 2011 - 14:14

I desire that I can reproduce MIDI score using VST instruments.


MuseScore plays music using a SoundFont. In order to play the score on VST instruments,
you would need to save the score as a MIDI file, import into a music workstation program
like Reaper (or Cubase or other commercial program) then set up the VST instruments.

In reply to by ozcaveman

Thank you for replying.

I can understand what you say. And I know that way.

But this is "Feature request"

I'd like to Musescore to be mounted VSTi function.
Famous software, Finale, and Sibelius have that function.

In reply to by Hiroki Yamamoto

I've not really played with MuseScore's MIDI capabilities, using ot for typesetting more than anything else,

But presumably MuseScore's MIDI output can be sent to any MIDI compatible device?

In which case all you would need as a VST rack, fill it with instruments and direct MuseScore's MIDI Out to that.

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