playing midi compositions in to a midi keyboard

• Oct 4, 2011 - 11:40

> I am trying to play my compositions from a Mac through a Motu Fastlane USB
> interface to a 15 year old Yamaha PSR-420 midi keyboard. So far all I
> can connect is outputting notes from the keyboard while composing music.
> I have tried changing your preferences settings, adding motu audio
> midi setup software, and adding Jack Pilot. I cannot find the right
> settings to send in midi so the keyboard will play back the compositions.
> What can you send me to help make this happen? Or is it not even
> possible?
> Aaron :-)


Unfortunately MuseScore currently doesn't playback through the MIDI interface, but is limited to playback on Soundfonts installed on your computer.

There are plans to implement it in a later version I believe, but currently the focus is on getting score printout solid, which, as MuseScore is primarily a music typesetting application is perfectly reasonable.

To play back your music on your keyboard you would be better to use a MIDI sequencer such as Rosegarden.

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