Chicken Reel - Ragtime

• Oct 8, 2011 - 10:54


That is great! I love me some ragtime, and that's some of the best modern ragtime I've heard in a while. I especially love your title. The song actually sounds like a chicken, somehow. Great work!

How did you embed the score?

I'm particularly interested because I have an idea for producing online score analysis and to be able to embed a MuseScore file like this would be really handy.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

It works with only. There is no plugin to make something like this. offers free storage up to 5 scores per user account, so you can always give it a try and see how it works out for you.
If want more storage, you can upgrade to a Pro Account. Your contribution will be used to further develop MuseScore.

Edit + Disclaimer: I probably should start adding that I'm one of the makers of, together with lasconic and werner.

Memory and nostalgia for a time, I knew as a child, where in small provincial towns, the cinema was still silent and a pianist accompanying the film and played it often.
Nostalgia also 50s and 60s when this music was used as a generic issue "Histoires sans paroles" (which aired just old silent films) to RTF (ORTF does not exist yet) on the single channel black white and French TV.
A big thank you to share this little "Coup de jeune" and congratulations on this excellent achievement ...

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