MuseScore Nightly r4888 and r4890 on OSX 10.5.8 PPC - quits unexpectedly on startup.

• Oct 25, 2011 - 00:09

Is this the right place to report this?

Does not run at all.
Is there anything else you need to know?



Did you install the nightly on your hard drive or running it from the DMG? Can you run it from the command line and paste the result? If MacOSX gives you a crash report can you paste it as well? You can use to paste the text.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I installed on the HDD by dragging it from the DMG to the Applications folder.
I see little point in doing anything more if PPC is now no longer supported.

I see that the downloads page now states that OSX PPC is no longer supported. Is this just for the nightly updates, or has it been decided that OSX on PPC will no longer be developed (in other words, do I just abandon trying the nightly updates, or do I abandon MuseScore forever :) )?

I read that r4881 had the split staff issue fixed, and this was before the PPC was dropped, but r4881 did not seem to appear for download. Is r4881 available for me to try. It seems like a slap in the face to discontinue PPC support on the SAME DAY that you fix the split staff that I so desperately wanted to see resolved. :(


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