How to have a score, or part, with every measure numbered and rehearsal markings throughout

In MuseScore, rehearsal marks in a score normally end up duplicating the measure number, instead of replacing it.

In MuseScore, rehearsal marks in a score normally end up duplicating the measure number, instead of replacing it, so here's a walkthrough for removing a single measure number and creating a rehearsal mark containing the measure number instead.

CAUTION: If you choose to proceed with this process, then be aware that using the "Irregular" measure option may cause unwanted splits in Multi Measure Rests.

(This was created using MuseScore 1.1)

Step 1 - Creating measure numbers:
Creating Measure Numbers

Step 2 - Altering measure numbers:
Altering Measure Numbers 1

Step 3 - What it should look like:
What it should look like 1

Step 4 - Altering measure numbers again:
Altering Measure Numbers 2

Step 5 - What it should look like now:
What it should look like 2

Step 6 - Final touch:
Final Touch

This How-To stems from this forum article - credit to its author .

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