"Grande messe des morts" (Berlioz) for Brass Band

• Nov 16, 2011 - 00:48

I've finally decided to upload this thing. I didn't feel that it was one hundered per cent complete, but I've grown rather fond of it anyway. As you can tell from the topic it's the "Great death mass" or "Requiem" by Hector Berlioz. As I write this I've finished the first and third movements, and I've only got the timpani parts left on the second mvt. I'll upload all the movements here as I complete them, but that is most likely going to take some time since I've spent almost 6 months on the first three.

I didn't bother typing in the text for the choir, but if you want to read it you can easily find it on IMSLP.com

Like all my other stuff, you are free to use it, but please post a recording on youtube and a link to the video as a comment to this post


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