Arpeggios don't arpeggiate all the way.

• Oct 12, 2016 - 22:08

Dear MuseScore Staff and Public,

When I put an arpeggio in a score (like a double-staff score), the arpeggios only arpeggiate the chord that I place it by (in that voice (you following me?)), and when I try to stretch it to the above staff (remember, this is a double staff score), it doesn't arpeggiate the chord I stretch it to. And it only arpeggiates one voice. The thing is, the handbook says that just stretching the arpeggio line will make it arpeggiate the chords it encompasses. But it doesn't work. Do any of you have a solution? HELP PLEASE!

Please respond ASAP.

Yours truly,

Robert Zaitsev (aka TornadoDog33)

P.S. I have included a score that will show you what is going on. Take a look at the arpeggio there and you will see what I mean. (It might help if you play the score.)

Attachment Size
Chariots_of_Fire.mscz 23.72 KB

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