
• Dec 14, 2011 - 02:19

This is a piece that I transposed from an old hymn book last night. This is the first time I've used MuseScore, and the software is really amazing. The score has some clean-up work, and this is just the first verse and chorus. Additionally I'll need to apply shape-notes to it.

This song was published in 1925. Per an earlier thread, there are a few measures where I need to have measures that are less than 1 beat. The first 3 bars have lead-in measures that align with the lyric phrasing. MuseScore made it easy to create those. One thing that I would like to do, but was unable to achieve, was to apply a similar break at the end of the 3rd bar where the word "see" appears. To stay true to the original piece, the first measure appearing on the 4th bar would need to begin with a single eighth note. This may be a limitation of the software or of my understanding. Again, I've only been using MuseScore since last night.

Help from forum members has been huge.

There are a few formatting issues that I would like to clean up, but do not know how to address. Notes on the Tenor line have stems that are shorter than I would expect. See for instance the Middle-C on bar 6. It would be nice if I could direct the stems downward or upward as I desire AND eliminate the extra tail associated with a second eighth note. I could successfully point the stems, but in cases where there were 2 eighth notes stacked on top of each other, the combined tails made it look like a 16th note. This is probably a limitation of my understanding.

There are also some dangling whole rests that appear throughout the score in the bass clef. I don't know how to make those disappear. And some of the notes have colors other than black.

In the chorus on measures 13, 14, and 16 I need to add text that appears below the primary lyric. These words would align with the 4 successive eighth notes that lack words in those measures. How can I do that?

Overall I'm really impressed with MuseScore. That I was able to produce this in such a short amount of time is pretty remarkable. Thanks for making this available.

Attachment Size
Sometime_Voices.mscz, 4.87 KB


I will make this short as its late. For measure 6, with the single eighth lead note, make the previous bar a duration of 7/8 and this bar a duration of 1/8. You can even click on the final barline at the end of the 7/8 bar and make it invisible, making it an incomplete bar.

For the note stem lengths, double-click the note stem and drag them longer.

To combine the eighth note tails, the notes must be in the same voice, as a chord.

For the "dangling" rests, you can click on them and make them invisible.

The note colors indicate where the voices are getting into a range outside of that voice. You can ignore them.

As for adding lyrics above/below staves, you will have to add them as normal and drag them to their new positions. There are some limitations on lyrics.

Fun program, eh?

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