Exchange voices: different behaviors if whole bar is selected or a part of it

• Nov 22, 2016 - 20:18

Steps to reproduce:
- create new score, treble clef, 4/4
- enter 12 fourth notes
- select the first four notes (whole bar) with shift-click
- Edit->Voices->Exchange voices 1 - 3
Result as expected, the selection has swapped voices 1 and 3.
- select notes 5 to 7 (part of bar 2)
- Edit->Voices->Exchange voices 1 - 3

Unexpected result: the rest of the tune has the voices swapped, instead of only the selection.

Musescore 2.0.2
Any info about that?


I try now : you must choose always a complet measure, for you the second measure, and after, click the only note to be in voice 1 and change only this note in using "voices" on the top of the screen. (I'm French, so, my English......).

And , if , on the beginning, you select the 7 first notes and click voice 3 on the top , all is correct.

I think the problem is in the "exchanging" because you don't have two voices to exchange , but only 1

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