Measure changed

• Dec 28, 2011 - 16:11

I have a tune in 4/4 time but the last working bar will only allow (the equivalent of) 3 crotchets now.

I had a spare rest floating around for some time but that seems to have disappeared now. Also, that bar was showing the bar rest (?) above a stave line as opposed to below it like the rest of the bars. Also, having deleted the only (equivalent of) three crotchets that it would allow me to enter, it now shows three rests.

Any ideas?

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Toss the Feathers.mscz 3.12 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks for that. I assumed it was a matter of recreating the measure just didn't know how to do it.

I had already progressed to the end of the tune and, having already deleted the spare ones, had to add a new measure at the end (actually, it appears that is all you can do) and cut and re-paste those following (where) the offending measure (had been) in order to move them along one so that I could then re-enter the data for the replacement measure.

Still, it worked. Thanks again.

Ooi, and it is totally off topic but, I haven't found any way of repeating the tune continuously until interruption. Is that posible?

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