A new motet written in the Baroque manner

• Jan 5, 2012 - 19:01

With apologies to Herr Bach, I post here a simple motet inspired by the great master.

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jesu.mein_.licht_.mscz 11.04 KB


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Thanks. Yes, I should have either written out the continuo or provide figures. Alas, as no one will ever perform the work (beyond the musecore program itself) I guess I felt the effort would be wasted. However, all the same I should have written out the continuo --- no excuse for laziness (I would have add strings as well, but the font sound is quite poor). In any event, I am glad though (at least I very much hope so) that a few forum members/visitors might find the piece a pleasant diversion.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Sadly, no, I do not have a libretto/text, I guess for the reasons noted before ----> no one will ever perform the work aside from hearing the Musescore program play it back for me so I did not expend the effort to provide text. However, it would be truly astonishing if one day a digital program such as Musescore could actually sing back text.

In reply to by penske77

Say, that's pretty good! A completely lazy slug, no doubt, would never have expended the effort needed to write it. The only give-aways that Bach didn't really write it, I think, are that the melody lines seem a bit too rambling or discontinuous at times, and the counterpoint isn't as sustained as his usually is. The harmony and the variety of tone colors are excellent, I think. Keep it up!

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