Messiah - Rejoice Greatly - 12/8 Version

• Feb 8, 2012 - 10:44

This is the 12/8 version of the aria - which is harder to find electronic copies of than the 4/4 version. I made it mainly to produce a quick MIDI file for a student.

I'll update it when MuseScore 2.0 is released - which I think will have proper support for figured bass :-)

Attachment Size
1 - 20 Rejoice.mscz 15.74 KB


Understanding how figured bass works and all its functions is a corse on its own of which I find with great enthusiasm.

I "realized" the figured bass in by adding the smaller staves of the harpsichord and the basses.
Whether it is right or not I wouldn't know but I am pretty sure I came quite close...

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