fedora 16 musescore doesnt play

• Feb 19, 2012 - 18:01

I am using fedora 16 for a month and noticed that musescore has a problem not being
able to play a score. The button bar appears odd also , although I cannot be certain
not having another linux pc to check a working version of musescore.
Three buttons are a bit darker grey as if they were active. The volume, the midi input
and the pause button.

The i/o on the preferences tab has the internal synthesizer radio button checked
and alsa audio checked with the Device field showing default.

Sound works on my system for other applications.

I downloaded the source code but the only instructions to build are for ubuntu and
am having some trouble as make is not working and I am not sure about the
prerequisites in any case.

appreciate any suggestions to proceed.



In reply to by [DELETED] 5

thanks lasconic that worked I am able to use the fedora musescore rpm now.

If someone who has compiled musescore on fedora 16 could outline the
steps required and the prerequisites, I would appreciate it as having
been beaten down; it has become a challenge.

basically the configure blows up and the message seems to imply a
conflict between qt3 versus qt4. Fedora 16 seems to have everything
setup for qt4.

In reply to by oystercatcher

These are the packages I had to install to compile musescore pre-2.0. Might work for 1.x.

# yum install libstdc++-devel qt-devel qtwebkit-devel alsa-lib-devel libsndfile-devel libvorbis-devel jack-audio-connection-kit-devel portaudio-devel

I have ALSA sound working. It only works at 48000khz, not 44100. Note that I've uninstalled PulseAudio.

Unfortunately JACK doesn't work. If I want it bad enough, I will fix/add it myself :)
BTW, I'm not interested in JACK MIDI support. I've had trouble with it dropping events, so I stick to ALSA MIDI.

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