Musescore 1.1 doesn't open properly on OSX 10.6.8

• Feb 25, 2012 - 02:57

Hello everyone, I installed Musescore recently and everything was fine until all of a sudden it wouldn't open properly. I see the splash screen and the menu bar, but when the splash screen disappears I can't see my project. I've tried opening up the example project and several other ones, and they open except that I can't see it. The same thing happens when I create a new score - I go through the steps to create one, but I can't see the score. Works just fine on my other computers and OS's.

I wasn't sure how to uninstall it, so I deleted Musescore and several other files that AppCleaner found, and then reinstalled. I also tried deleting the preferences file.

Any ideas? I'm thinking I may have tweaking a setting wrong, which would be a simple fix because I can still see the preferences window. Thanks in advance.


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