I want to contribute

• Mar 13, 2012 - 15:34


I am an informatic student. I am going to learn C++ and we need to do it through contributing to a project. Maby you could recomend me one of the features.
I need to reach at least 4000 LOC ( self written), the development period would be from now till june. I like this project, because I have studied music and it is familiar topic to me :)

Best regards, efelin


Hi, there are many parts in the project than an benefit for coding talents. It will depend on what you prefer to do, what you like about coding, and also if you need to code one big topoc or if killing bugs is also accepted by your teachers. In 3 months, it could be quite hard to become knowledgeable in the details of MuseScore core but you could make things around the core.

If you don't want to mess with the core of MuseScore directly and like digging into formats, you could improve drastically one or several import/export filters. MuseScore currently import several formats, some of the importers are really well maintained, like the MusicXML or the Overture one, other need work such as the Capella import or even the MIDI import.

If you want to explore the inner of compilers, there is an open feature request for the integration of Breakpad into MuseScore.

If you prefer coding on UI, MuseScore could use some nice buttons in the synthesizer and mixer dialogs, these controls could be borrow to other projects though.

On the UI side, the roadmap also mention a guitar neck view. If you are a guitarist, that could also be a perfect match.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I consulted my professor and she thought that the instrument or beam mode editor would be a good choice.
I would like to start working on the instrument editor. During the weekend I will try to get a good understanding of the project.
Where can I find the instruments description file? I am also open to all sugestions about what is the most important to pay attention to?

In reply to by [DELETED] 782936

The instruments description file is instruments.xml you can find it in the templates directory if you have musescore installed and in the source code in share/templates.

To develop for MuseScore you'll have to compile it. See http://musescore.org/en/developers-handbook for instructions for your platform. If you need any help, feel free to introduce you on the mailing list and ask your question. You might also find convenient to chat with us on IRC #musescore on freenode.net.

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