Midi port/channel features

• Mar 16, 2012 - 03:49

Werner, I see this as really important. atm 1.2 and v2-svn show little point to having midi outputs at all. You can't control where the midi data stream is sent. I believe you.'re better off removing midi output entirely if your not going to have useful flexability for device/channel assignments.

for me this is a show stopper.For others it's not. But, having jack midi outputs give rise to the thought that you must surely be able to edit the throughput - and you can't = lot's of time wasted till you find out.

I would expect that the midi device and channel should be added to the staff properties page and be settable from the mixer... any enlightenment would be appreciated.

Wonderful to see how far MS has come tho Werner - salut !



Whilst I accept the current policy of notation first. I do feel that this is a major weakness in the software as it stands.

The inabiltiy to assign a part or voice directly to a MIDI channel, is part of the reason that we get cut off notes in piano and organ parts due to another part playing the same note.

It also causes problems with the MusicXML import of drum parts, where MuseScore refuses to allow more than one part to be assigned as percussion.

It would also have been a biggie for me a couple of years ago when I was still using Yamaha and Roland sound modules for my MIDI sounds the inability to route output to a particular device would have caused problems.

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