Slash Notation plugin - not coming up?

• Apr 2, 2012 - 21:11

So I installed MuseScore 1.2... I had the Slash Notation plugin working previously, but now, it is no longer in the plugins menu. I tried installing it again, but no love.

System details:
MuseScore 1.2
Mac OSX Lion (10.7.3)

I downloaded the zip file, and have tried putting the content into both:




I have tried putting both the slash_0 folder into those directories, and also the contents fo that folder directly. And, just for fun, the zip file. None worked. I vaguely remember from the last time I got this working, that there was another plugin that had to be in place before I could make it work, but I haven't been able to find that reference, nor remember anything about it. I would really like to get this working by putting the plugin into the Library, so I won't have to do this again when I do an upgrade.



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