Allow direct insertion of MIDI events

• Apr 25, 2009 - 20:28

I am thinking of what Sibelius does, i.e., using ~P (for program change), ~C (for controller change), etc. to inject MIDI events into the score. This is just for people who presumably know what they are doing, so not much niceties need to be put into it.

Being able to used ~P to change program (patch) anywhere would be very useful. It would also be convenient for trying out different intruments on a staff without jumping through a lot of hoops. ~C7 and ~C11 will make it possible to generate some musical expressions (dim., cresc.) from constant velocity. Others will undoubtedly think up lots of usages if this facility is available.


I've written similarly about adding MIDI events to make possible the three piano pedals, microtones, other temperments, and expression. I think it would be a great idea, although some, such as the piano pedals and microtones should be automatic and entered when the user places the symbol in the score. Also woodwind slurs would be a great controller to have automatically entered when notes of different pitches are slurred with a woodwind patch. This controller prolongs each note until the next note is played, and also eliminates the attack of following notes.

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