Archangels "Rafiel" - feedback appreciated

• May 17, 2012 - 05:13

My shot at composing for winds. Not at all complete either.
Is this worth continuing and editing? feedback would be spectacular!

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Archangles.mscz 31.85 KB


In reply to by underquark

i didn't really mean for the dynamics and tempos to be read. I just put what ever dynamic sounds the best in playback mode, and on any other dynamic, i can hardly hear the trombones. In reality, i would probably use a forte.

... and all very subjective and just my opinion... I've found that I have to have the overal vision first so that I have something against which to measure my choices - because there is an infinite number of directions that I could take a piece. So against that backdrop I like your beginning very much, but after the breaks/transitions I don't get a feel of it being solidly connected to the rest - like myabe there is maybe more than one piece lurking in there? I understand its an unfinished sketch but I'd think you have a particular story, or feeling, or mood in mind to convey. Anyway, my $0.2 cents worth, do with it as you see fit.

P.S. I'm not a fan of the percussion sounds in mscore - do you have some sort of plugin that makes them better? To me they make it hard to hear sometimes what the dynamics of the piece really will be.

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