MuseScore crashes when using Copy&Paste

• May 18, 2012 - 18:56

I typeset a piece that has been taken using a scanner. Each page is saved as a MusicXML file.
When I paste the page 5 to the document, MuseScore crashed reproducible.

Steps to reproduce:
- open the mscz file
- open the XM file
- select the first stave in the XML file, copy it to clipboard and paste it to the mscz file
- select the second stave in the XML file, copy it to clipboard,
- now MuseScore will crash, when you try to paste it in the second stave in the mscz file.

Attachment Size
TOCCATA.mscz 7.26 KB
pg_0005.xml 94.63 KB


The same steps works well with a nightly (a development version of MuseScore). I did it, exported the result to MusicXML and saved again to mscz to be open in MuseScore 1.2. Find it attached.

Attachment Size
TOCCATA (1).mscz 8.65 KB

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