Maj 7

• May 6, 2009 - 21:20

In the interest of convenience, it would be great if a simple CM7 (with a capitalized M) produced Cmaj7.


You mean that, when you type in CM7 it automatically changes into CMaj7? If so, this may conflict with users who actually want CM7 instead of CMaj7 right? So, it's a kind of personal setting you could set for yourself. There is nothing in the software to do this sort of thing.
Is this something you have seen already with other music notation software?

In reply to by Thomas

Personally I prefer the M7 to the spelt out symbol.

What I would really like is symbols in as simple a way as possible:
A seven in a circle to represent Maj 7 (or M7 or Triangle or ??? I can adapt and so can my players).
A slash through a circle to represent 1/2 diminished or Maj 7b5.

I still can't find the keyboard shortcut for diminished, and why spell out dim when everyone knows that a small circle means diminished?

To have "C maj7" appear on the page takes up way too much realestate: if you have a few "wordy" symbols, you have to reduce the number of bars in a line to a very small number to make the symbols clear.

I would also like to cut down the number of key strokes it takes to place a symbol (there may be shortcuts I don't yet know):
It seems unnecessarily cumbersome to write C,M,a,j,7 - 4 keys to get a CM7 chord. I prefer the absolute least amount of work and to cover the least amount of real estate to make my intentions clear.

I don't care if the Major 7 is symbolized by a circled 7 or a triangle or what ever - just conform to one accepted practise and make it simple to get on the page.

My experience with music notation software goes back to the Atari - The Copyist II. I used it to self-publish an instructional book and it looked great.

As with any notation software, it took learning, but once you knew it, it was brilliant. Easy, simple, all symbols (as I remember), MIDI input and great engraving. I would still use it now. Anyone have a working ST? I still have the software somewhere.

One feature I really liked was the ability to select one staff out of a score for note entry - this negated the need for so much flipping through unrelated score material. It was like a spool of ribbon, just one staff, continuous, no pages in that mode. Ahhh.

To get back to your main question, I am not married to any particular symbol - just clarity, simplicity and ease.

Best regards.

In reply to by xavierjazz

Thanks for the extensive feedback Don. I think we can work something out here.
Starting from line 297, you will see the complete list of all the chord names which are recognized by MuseScore. You will notice that there is only Maj7, while missing M7 or triangle.

I will take a look today together with Lasconic whether we can add in all the other notations. Stay tuned.

In reply to by Thomas

Thank you Thomas.

As a side note, I don't understand why the harmony pallet is organized as it is:

There seems to be so much area availkable in the primary screen, numerous more commonly used symbols could be there requiring only selection. I also wonder why the window is the size it is? I assume that these are restrictions that are necessary, but I don't understand why.

I also find the "other: option not well organized.. I will send another post with more particulars. as I am not on a computer with the program right now.

I really like the program and think you all have done a wonderful, so please don't take my comments as critisizem. Sorry, I can't spell this morning.

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