Question about Cymbals

• Jun 26, 2012 - 23:33

Forgive me if the following question seems idiotic, but I'm somewhat new to MuseScore and it's notation system.

In marching band, there are times when the cymbal players crash the cymbals and there are times when they hold the cymbals together and lightly hit them together, creating a short, abrupt sound. I'm working on a piece for concert band and I want cymbal hits that are as close to the aforementioned marching band style as possible. How do i notate this in MuseScore? Thanks for any information.


If I'm understanding what you're asking correctly, I think the latter style would be "choked." As long as you do NOT put a "ch." or something like that above the notes, then the cymbal player should crash the cymbals and let them ring for as long as the note lasts. I'm not completely clear on which style you are going for. If you want long crashes, then just write the notes as long as you want them. If you want the "chik" sound, than place a "ch." over each note that you want to sound like that. Hope this helps!

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