Text Styles ... and MM vs. SPACE

• Aug 19, 2012 - 14:40

Regarding Text Styles - I've had no problem using the 'New' button to create, for example, a new fingering style to position the numeral when the note is within a chord. However, there appears to be no way to *delete* a user-defined style from the list.

Also, the program continues to have difficulty distinguishing between the measurement units of MM and SPACE (and maintaining the distinction). When I modify a style using SPACE, it tends to revert to MM ... which is particularly annoying given that the Inspector uses SPACE settings exclusively. It would be great if someone could explain what that's about and what the goal is. I've never known what MM stands for, to tell the truth, or why two units are offered without some corresponding functionality.


Space is relative to the unit defined in Layout -> Page settings. It's the space between two lines of the staff. If you choose space, and change the scale of the sheet music, it will scale gracefully. Millimeters are absolute, a meter is always a meter, and so they will not scale.

I wonder. Do we really need millimeters in text style?

In reply to by [DELETED] 448831

Just to make it clear, I'm not asking the question of mm vs spatium because text styles are not well saved. Just that I can't image now how non proportional unit (mm) can be useful for text style. Someone?

Edit : I found it :) mm is useful for text anchored to the page, Title, header, footer etc... So discard my question.

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