Need Help ASAP

• Mar 5, 2017 - 02:58

Alright here's the dealeo:
I'm trying to write the Noordpool Orchestra's version of Paranoid Android out by ear for my schools wind ensemble and ive got 2 months to finish it.
It's very difficult. Ive seen what Paranoidd Android songs are on Musescore already for reference, but none of them are what I'm looking for.
Is anyone able to help me write this up or get sheet music for the Noordpool version? That would be amazing. Even if you can just sipher out, say, a sax part or a violin part I would really appreciate it and give you full credit for doing so.
Thanks to those who take time to read this


Sounds to me as if you are doing fine, calm down and do what you can. Trust and follow your ear. Try again and .....

Listen, find it, try to write it out.

It takes time and that's what we have.

Best of luck,

You have two months. Why not write to the orchestra and ask them if sheet music is available, how much it would cost and then look into the issue of performance rights?

In reply to by Brandon DM

It is difficult, but not impossible. It is time consuming, but you are working on music, and getting better on music is time consuming..

What I did when I started lifting complex pieces:

Listen repeatedly focusing on the part I wish to deal with.
Sing it with the audio.
Find it and play it on my instrument.
Transcribe it.
Check for subtlety and errors.

Also, although I never used this method, these days there is software available that will allow you to slow it down without changing the pitch. That would probably help. You can search for these.

Every time you do this, it becomes easier and you become a better musician.

Keep going, you can do it!

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