Trombone Glissando?
Wondering when the developers will put in a feature where glissandos are not just chromatic runs between the two indicated notes, but actual bends. It makes it really frustrating to write a trombone part out with glissandos, only to have a chromatic scale played instead. Long story short, if the developers could make a way for trombone glissandos to sound like they would on an actual trombone, that would be great!
sarebbe sufficiente che, come in altri software, la linea influenzasse il PITCH BENDER (controller Midi).
Buona musica.
If you have to span less than 3.5 tones, disable the playback of the glissando and add an invisible bend for playback purposes.
Otherwise you'll have to wait for #127341: Add Glissando playback style portamento to become a reality.
I know your pain. I'm currently in need of pitch bends for my strings. Chromatic gestures just don't cut it.
In reply to I know your pain. I'm… by AnimaEncounter
Please update to version 3.6 (2 years and 10 months ago) or later to be able to change the playback style of a glissando to "portamento" in the inspector (3.x) or Properties Panel (4.x).