sheet replacement gives "This link already exists, please pick another." error

• Nov 10, 2012 - 21:50

I tried to replace by editing it, uploading another file as replacement and pressing the "Save" button, but I got the following error:

"This link already exists, please pick another."

EDIT: Happens again and again; 100% reproducable


This site,, is a separate site for discussing the software.You need to direct your report to the webmaster of, . The webmaster there is very responsive to problem reports. He's helped me out a couple of times. By the way, I had the same problem today, which occurred when I tried to edit one of my sets. It didn't accept the URL of the set, although I hadn't tried to change that.

Sorry, I thought that and .com are owned/administrated by the same people because even the MuseScore software (.org) has features ("save online")^^

Thank you for the quick bugfix :D

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